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Letting go

I feel like I have been slacking a bit lately. I posted a book review yesterday and noticed that my last post was from two weeks ago. That doesn’t sound too bad except I have also been neglecting my Bookstagram too. I have been feeling guilty about this for the last few weeks but I remembered today: I am doing this for FUN! And maybe to entertain my friends.

Does this happen to you? You start something that you enjoy – painting, quilting, gardening, working out – and you feel a responsibility to be consistent or to complete a project. You get a pit in your stomach because you haven’t ‘followed through’. There are definitely times when you (meaning “I”) do need to be consistent and follow through. I’m on a committee at church and a non-profit board. If I didn’t follow through on those commitments, I would be slowing down projects or events wouldn’t happen. But will anyone really be disappointed if my last Bookstagram post was three weeks ago? Honestly, I don’t think anyone noticed.

I’m working on ‘letting go’ of that pit in my stomach and remembering that this blog and my Bookstagram are HOBBIES, not responsibilities. I love writing when the mood strikes me. I love sharing my reviews of books when I am inspired. But sometimes, I’m not inspired. And that is OK. Life happens and sometimes my brain needs to focus on other things. That might be spring cleaning, Bridgerton, or quilting.

So if you find yourself thinking “Gee, I haven’t seen a post from MBintheStacks lately!?”, picture me cleaning out my garage, reading on my patio in the warmth of a beautiful spring day or hunched over my sewing machine piecing together a patchwork of material. I won’t be gone for long.

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