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Hello world!

In the past several months, I’ve had some big changes in my life – some expected, some not. In anticipation of the ‘expected’ changes, I started thinking and talking about starting a blog. Maybe something simple like a book blog.

As the idea for this ‘book blog’ percolated in my mind, I jotted down ideas and considered how I can add value. Could it be more than book reviews or summaries? Maybe something more personal, more interesting (for me), more reflective? My thoughts and notes were muddled, so I kept pushing off getting started.

Also during these past several months, my role as a parent has changed. Some responsibilities have ended. I have more time for myself than I have had in a long time. I have a chance to choose how I spend my time. Something I have been craving for years. And suddenly – bam – that time is now.

It occurred to me that I am evolving just as my ideas for this blog have been evolving. Then I listened to Bene Brown talk about doing something for the first time and everything clicked into place. This blog will be both: personal reflection and reading.

What does this mean? Honestly, I am not totally sure but am accepting the idea that this blog will evolve – along with me! The important thing is to START! So here are few of my initial ideas:

  1. What did Brene Brown say that got me going?

  2. What is the first ‘adult’ book I remember reading?

  3. Why do we, as readers, return to books from a certain time era or with certain themes?

  4. Why do I love, love, love my book club?

  5. What are my favorite family saga novels?

  6. What books do I consistently recommended? Why?

  7. What are some great discussion books.

  8. Does what I am reading reflect an issue I am currently struggling with?

  9. Am I reading to escape something? Solve a problem?

There are a lot of “I” statements in the list above (which is terrible writing) but I’d like to spark discussions. Hopefully, my thoughts will resonate with people. So welcome to my journey – our journey together!

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